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Worship Opportunities

Audience: 4th-12th Grade, Boys and Girls
Point of Contact: Mona Irwin
Phone: 912-265-0600
Information: Training is on demand. Primary grades and middle schoolers generally carry torches and teenagers carry crosses. Each child is assigned to a four person team and serves every 4-6 weeks. All are welcome.

Audience: Adults and High School Aged Children
Point of Contact: Nathaniel Roper, Music Director
Information: Choir practice is Wednesday in the chancel from 4:00PM to 5:30 PM and Sunday Mornings at 9:30 AM before worship service. A limited number of spots for high school students are available at Saint Mark’s Choir School. For more information on the Choir School and college scholarships, contact Mr. Roper.

Altar Guild
Audience: Adult Men and Women (Sons and Daughters Welcome)
Point of Contact: Steve Crowder
Phone: 912-265-0600
Information: This ministry prepares the alter for worship four times each week. Individuals are assigned to teams and serve every 4-6 weeks. Training is twice a year and as needed.
Lay Eucharistic Visitor (LEV)

Audience: Confirmed Adult Members of Saint Mark’s
Point of Contact: Kay Curry
Phone: 912-265-0600
Information: This ministry provides communion offsite for those who cannot, for good cause, come to worship. This ministry requires certification.

Lay Eucharistic Minister (LEM)

Audience: Confirmed Adults and Youth
Point of Contact: Kay Curry
Phone: 912-265-0600
Information: Open to confirmed members of Saint Mark’s Episcopal Church. Reads Scripture and administers the chalice at four worship services each week. Serves approximately once every 4-6 weeks. Training is once a year and as needed. This ministry requires certification.

Lay Reader

Audience: Children and Adult Members of Saint Mark’s
Point of Contact: Kay Curry
Phone: 912-265-0600
Information: These persons come from the pews during worship and read the prayers of the people. These people are not vested and serve once every 4-6 weeks.

Usher / Greeter

Audience: Adults and Family Members of Saint Mark’s
Point of Contact: Phyllis Sartin
Phone: 912-265-0600
Information: Individuals and families on small teams assist with bulletins and act as ushers during worship services.


Audience: Trained Adult Lay Eucharistic Visitors
Point of Contact: Mona Irwin, Senior Verger
Phone: 912-265-0600
Information: Vergers function in all capacities as needed during worship services. Primarily vergers function by leading procession.